Joining forces – that’s our motto. Our knowledge of business law, employment law and Intellectual Property, joined with your business. That is how we will attain your goals, from day 1.

About us

We believe in creating
synergy with our clients

We use our legal know how for your organization, not the other way round. We’ll be your legal counsel where possible, your attorney where necessary. Our role is to bring you closer to your goals with our knowledge and experience. That’s how we make a difference.

We believe in working
with our clients

We will familiarize ourselves with your organization to get a true grasp of your goals. Shoulder your burden where necessary, and helping you make changes where possible. We always look at your business through multifocal glasses: after all, pragmatic solutions are not always of the legal sort. And we can always call on our (international) network if needed.  

We believe in making
our clients happy

A happy client. That is what drives us, every day. We take pride in our clients. We build relationships with our clients based on trust, dedication and sharing. A solid foundation on which our clients can rely.

Minding your business
from DayOne.

What we do

We give advice, both legal and strategic. But also commercially, if appropriate. Advice on how to be a successful entrepreneur and how to avoid disputes. Our advice is quick, to the point and practical. We come with concrete proposals that can be put to practice immediately. In writing or verbally, whichever you prefer. We always check back with you whether our advice was clear, to make sure that we have really helped you.
Drafting and negotiating contracts is something we do quickly and expertly. In complex situations we explore all possibilities together with you, dedicating all our time and effort. In less complex situations we think a solid template may be best. And we will be happy to share that template with you to get you going. You can then call us for the finishing touches.  
Litigation can be an effective means to an end, also in deadlock situations. If it is necessary or strategically convenient, we will take whatever route is necessary. We leave no legal remedy untouched. We are adept at handling litigation with conviction, and above board. 

Finding the right solution,
together, from  DayOne.

Our expertise

We believe in synergy

Would you like us to tell you what DayOne can do? If your question concerns a company or institution, or if you are a director or employee, you can always call us because we are sure we can solve your problem. We are seasoned advisors who do not think in boxes and share our knowledge. Still want to see a comprehensive list of areas of law and work? Click further.


All set from
image 1

Smart from DayOne

Sometimes you want the same thing together and don't feel like wrangling. But you don't know how to quickly and properly align with your business partner (or counterparty). Then the OneDayDeal is for you.


DayOne team

Meet our team here.
vbv buiten dayone ym  g1a2738

Vincent Breedveld

ck buiten dayone ym  g1a2805

Charissa Koster

edith groenewegen caris

Edith Groenewegen-Caris

ym m6a1133

Teun Pouw

ym m6a1146

Jan-Willem Kolenbrander

sw buiten dayone ym  g1a2750

Sebastiaan van Wijk

ym m6a1045 chloe van zwieten

Chloe van Zwieten

ym m6a3596

Koen Wouda

renate borrias

Renate Borrias

karen van pelt

Karen van Pelt


Typ bovenstaande code over.



When using a navigation system, we recommend entering De Carpentierstraat 127 as (end) destination. Next to the church you will find the indicated parking lot reserved for visitors. 
From the parking lot you can walk to the main entrance, faced to the Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië. 
Entering the central hall, the lifts (indicating ‘133’) are on the right. Our office is located at number 133H on the 1st floor. 

NB: Should no parking space be available outside next to the church, you may be able to use the designated parking spaces in the car park of our office building, if space is available. The entrance is approximately 15 metres next to the church.  The directions can be found below, it is the same for parking inside and outside according to the text above.